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ICSE 2020
Wed 24 June - Thu 16 July 2020

The virtual ICSE 2020 Doctoral Symposium will be held July 13 and 14, 2020. The virtual symposium will bring together doctoral students working on foundations, techniques, tools, and applications of software engineering and give them the opportunity to present and discuss their research in a constructive and international atmosphere.

The goals of the Doctoral Symposium are to:

  • provide the participants independent and constructive feedback on their current research and future research directions;
  • develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research; and
  • provide an opportunity for student participants to interact with established researchers and practitioners in the software engineering community.

In the virtual Doctoral Symposium, nine students will present talks to Doctoral Symposium committee members and other students accepted to the Symposium. Papers from all twenty-three students selected for the Symposium will appear in the Proceedings. The virtual Symposium is available to accepted students and committee members.

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Not scheduled yet

Not scheduled yet
Refactoring operations grounded in manual code changes
Doctoral Symposium
Anna Eilertsen University of Bergen, Norway
Not scheduled yet
Formalisation and analysis of quantitative attributes of distributed systems
Doctoral Symposium
Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé Universidad de Buenos Aires
Not scheduled yet
Towards DO-178C Certification of Adaptive Learning UAV Agents Designed with a Cognitive Architecture
Doctoral Symposium
Not scheduled yet
Understanding Software Changes: Extracting, Classifying, and Presenting Fine-Grained Source Code Changes
Doctoral Symposium
Veit Frick Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Not scheduled yet
Extracting Archival-Quality Information from Software-Related Chats
Doctoral Symposium
Preetha Chatterjee University of Delaware, USA
Not scheduled yet
AI-Driven Web API Testing
Doctoral Symposium
Alberto Martin-Lopez Universidad de Sevilla
Not scheduled yet
Towards Greener Android Application Development
Doctoral Symposium
Hina Anwar University of Tartu
Not scheduled yet
The Effects of Required Security on Software Development Effort
Doctoral Symposium
Not scheduled yet
Search-Based Test Generation for Android Apps
Doctoral Symposium
Iván Arcuschin Moreno University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Not scheduled yet
A Composed Technical Debt Identification Methodology to Predict Software Vulnerabilities
Doctoral Symposium
Rusen Halepmollasi Istanbul Technical University
Not scheduled yet
Bridging the Divide Between API Users and API Developers by Mining Public Code Repositories
Doctoral Symposium
Maxime Lamothe Concordia University
Not scheduled yet
Skill-Based Engineering in Industrial Automation Domain: Skills Modeling and Orchestration
Doctoral Symposium
Kirill Dorofeev fortiss GmbH
Not scheduled yet
The Sustainability of Quality in Free and Open Source Software
Doctoral Symposium
Adam Alami IT University of Copenhagen
Not scheduled yet
Improving Students’ Testing Practices
Doctoral Symposium
Gina Bai North Carolina State University
Not scheduled yet
Towards Providing Automated Supports to Developers on Writing Logging Statements
Doctoral Symposium
Zhenhao Li Concordia University
Not scheduled yet
Software Startups in growth phase SE practices adopted to SEE
Doctoral Symposium
Orges Cico Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Not scheduled yet
Performance Regression Detection in DevOps
Doctoral Symposium
Jinfu Chen Concordia University, Canada
Not scheduled yet
Variability Aware Requirements Reuse Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
Muhammad Abbas Mälardalen University, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Not scheduled yet
Scalable and Approximate Program Dependence Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
Seongmin Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Not scheduled yet
Towards data integrity in Cassandra database applications using conceptual models
Doctoral Symposium
Pablo Suárez-Otero González University of Oviedo
Not scheduled yet
KNOCAP: Capturing and Delivering Important Design Bits in Whiteboard Design Meetings
Doctoral Symposium
Not scheduled yet
Bridging Fault Localisation and Defect Prediction
Doctoral Symposium
Jeongju Sohn KAIST, South Korea
Not scheduled yet
Towards Better Technical Debt Detection with NLP and Machine Learning Methods
Doctoral Symposium
Leevi Rantala University of Oulu

Accepted Papers

A Composed Technical Debt Identification Methodology to Predict Software Vulnerabilities
Doctoral Symposium
AI-Driven Web API Testing
Doctoral Symposium
Bridging Fault Localisation and Defect Prediction
Doctoral Symposium
Bridging the Divide Between API Users and API Developers by Mining Public Code Repositories
Doctoral Symposium
Extracting Archival-Quality Information from Software-Related Chats
Doctoral Symposium
Formalisation and analysis of quantitative attributes of distributed systems
Doctoral Symposium
Improving Students’ Testing Practices
Doctoral Symposium
KNOCAP: Capturing and Delivering Important Design Bits in Whiteboard Design Meetings
Doctoral Symposium
Performance Regression Detection in DevOps
Doctoral Symposium
Refactoring operations grounded in manual code changes
Doctoral Symposium
Scalable and Approximate Program Dependence Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
Search-Based Test Generation for Android Apps
Doctoral Symposium
Skill-Based Engineering in Industrial Automation Domain: Skills Modeling and Orchestration
Doctoral Symposium
Software Startups in growth phase SE practices adopted to SEE
Doctoral Symposium
The Effects of Required Security on Software Development Effort
Doctoral Symposium
The Sustainability of Quality in Free and Open Source Software
Doctoral Symposium
Towards Better Technical Debt Detection with NLP and Machine Learning Methods
Doctoral Symposium
Towards data integrity in Cassandra database applications using conceptual models
Doctoral Symposium
Towards DO-178C Certification of Adaptive Learning UAV Agents Designed with a Cognitive Architecture
Doctoral Symposium
Towards Greener Android Application Development
Doctoral Symposium
Towards Providing Automated Supports to Developers on Writing Logging Statements
Doctoral Symposium
Understanding Software Changes: Extracting, Classifying, and Presenting Fine-Grained Source Code Changes
Doctoral Symposium
Variability Aware Requirements Reuse Analysis
Doctoral Symposium

Call for Submissions

The ICSE 2020 Doctoral Symposium is a one-day event to be held on May 26, 2020 in Seoul South Korea. The symposium provides doctoral students an opportunity to interact with their colleagues working on foundations, techniques, tools, and applications of software engineering.

The goals of the symposium are to:

  • provide the participants independent and constructive feedback on their current research and future research directions;
  • develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research;
  • provide an opportunity for student participants to interact with established researchers and practitioners in the software engineering community.

Who should participate

Students should consider participating in the Doctoral Symposium if they are at least nine months away from completing their dissertation at the time of the event, but after having settled on a research area or thesis topic.


Each student’s Doctoral Symposium submission consists of two elements:

  1. A letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation advisor. The letter should be sent by e-mail directly to the Doctoral Symposium Chairs (lbriand[AT]uottawa[dot]ca and murphy[AT]cs[dot]ubc[dot]ca). The letter of recommendation must include an assessment of the current status of the research and an expected date for the completion of the dissertation.
  2. A 4-page paper describing the student’s dissertation research. . This paper has to be authored by only the student. The paper should clearly state:
  • the problem to be solved in the student’s research; justify why this problem is important and make clear that previous research and related work has not yet solved that problem,
  • the research hypothesis or claim,
  • the expected contributions of the research, including a discussion of related work,
  • how the student plans to evaluate the results and to present credible evidence of the results to the community,
  • a description of the results achieved so far, and
  • the planned timeline for completion.

Submissions can be made via the Doctoral Symposium submission site (https://icse2020-doctoral-symposium.hotcrp.com). We encourage submitters to upload their paper early and to properly enter potential conflicts for reviewing.


Formatting instructions are available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template for both LaTeX and Word users. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.

Review process

Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Doctoral Symposium Committee. Participants will be selected on the basis of their anticipated contribution to the Doctoral Symposium goals as well as the potential benefit to the participants. Among the criteria that will be considered in reviewing submissions are:

  • the potential quality of the research and its relevance to software engineering,
  • the stage of the research; see the Section “Who should participate” above, and
  • the diversity of backgrounds, research topics, and approaches.


Authors of submissions selected for participation will have the opportunity to present their work during the Doctoral Symposium and to have a camera-ready version of their papers published in a companion volume to the ICSE 2019 Conference Proceedings and the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Selected participants will receive feedback both from a panel of experts and from other Doctoral Symposium participants. The participants will also have the opportunity to seek advice on various aspects of completing a PhD and performing research in software engineering.

To facilitate detailed feedback to the participants, attendance to the Doctoral Symposium is by invitation only, limited to the participants and the Doctoral Symposium Committee.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submissions: November 19, 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2020
  • Camera-ready copy of paper due: February 7, 2020
  • ICSE 2020 Doctoral Symposium: May 26, 2020