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ICSE 2020
Wed 24 June - Thu 16 July 2020
Fri 10 Jul 2020 16:17 - 16:25 at Goguryeo - A23-Requirements Chair(s): Dalal Alrajeh

Context: Managing Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) in software projects is challenging, and projects that adopt Model-Driven Development (MDD) are no exception. Although several methods and techniques have been proposed to face this challenge, there is still little evidence on how NFRs are handled in MDD by practitioners. Knowing more about the state of the practice may help researchers to steer their research and practitioners to improve their daily work. Objective: In this paper, we present our findings from an interview-based survey conducted with practitioners working in 18 different companies from 6 European countries. From a practitioner’s point of view, the paper shows what barriers and benefits the management of NFRs as part of the MDD process can bring to companies, how NFRs are supported by MDD approaches, and which strategies are followed when (some) types of NFRs are not supported by MDD approaches. Results: Our study shows that practitioners perceive MDD adoption as a complex process with little to no tool support for NFRs, reporting productivity and maintainability as the types of NFRs expected to be supported when MDD is adopted. But in general, companies adapt MDD to deal with NFRs. When NFRs are not supported, the generated code is sometimes changed manually, thus compromising the maintainability of the software developed. However, the interviewed practitioners claim that the benefits of using MDD outweight the extra effort required by these manual adaptations. Conclusion: Overall, the results indicate that it is important for practitioners to handle NFRs in MDD, but further research is necessary in order to lower the barrier for supporting a broad spectrum of NFRs with MDD. Still, much conceptual and tool implementation work seems to be necessary to lower the barrier of integrating the broad spectrum of NFRs in practice.

Fri 10 Jul

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16:05 - 17:05
A23-RequirementsJournal First / Technical Papers / New Ideas and Emerging Results at Goguryeo
Chair(s): Dalal Alrajeh Imperial College London
Caspar: Extracting and Synthesizing User Stories of Problems from App ReviewsTechnical
Technical Papers
Hui Guo North Carolina State University, Munindar P. Singh North Carolina State University
Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A SurveyJ1
Journal First
David Ameller Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Xavier Franch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Cristina Gómez Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Silverio Martínez-Fernández UPC-BarcelonaTech, João Araújo Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Stefan Biffl Vienna University of Technology, Jordi Cabot ICREA - UOC, Vittorio Cortellesa University of L’Aquila, Daniel Mendez Technische Universität München, Ana Moreira FCT / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Henry Muccini University of L'Aquila, Italy, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, Spain, Manuel Wimmer Johannes Kepler University Linz, Vasco Amaral Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Wolfang Böhm Technische Universität München, Hugo Brunelière Inria, Mines Nantes & LINA, Lola Burgueño Universidad de Malaga, Miguel Goulao NOVA-LINCS, FCT/UNL, Sabine Teufl Fortiss GmbH, Luca Berardinelli Johannes Kepler University Linz
Locating Latent Design Information in Developer Discussions: A Study on Pull RequestsJ1
Journal First
Giovanni Viviani University of British Columbia, Michalis Famelis Université de Montréal, Xin Xia Monash University, Calahan Janik-Jones University of Toronto, Gail Murphy University of British Columbia
Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of SurveysJ1
Journal First
Stefan Wagner University of Stuttgart
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Corba: Crowdsourcing to Obtain Requirements from Regulations and BreachesJ1
Journal First
Hui Guo North Carolina State University, Ozgur Kafali University of Kent, Anne-Liz Jeukeng University of Florida, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University, Munindar P. Singh North Carolina State University
With Registered Reports Towards Large Scale Data CurationNIER
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Steffen Herbold University of Göttingen