Registered user since Wed 1 Nov 2017
Name:Xin Xia
Affiliation:Monash University
Personal website: https://xin-xia.github.io/
Research interests:Software Engineering; Mining Software Repositories; Software Analytics
- Characterizing and Identifying Reverted Commits
- What do Programmers Discuss about Deep Learning Frameworks
- A Survey on Adaptive Random Testing
- Neural Network Based Classification of Self-admitted Technical Debt: From Performance to Explainability and Deployability
- Which Variables Should I Log?
- The Impact of Mislabeled Changes by SZZ on Just-in-Time Defect Prediction
- Is Using Deep Learning Frameworks Free? Characterizing Technical Debt in Deep Learning Frameworks
- Smart Contract Development: Challenges and Opportunities
- What Do Programmers Discuss about Blockchain? A Case Study on the Use of Balanced LDA and the Reference Architecture of a Domain to Capture Online Discussions about Blockchain Platforms across Stack Exchange Communities
- Demystify Official API Usage Directives with Crowdsourced API Misuse Scenarios, Erroneous Code Examples and Patches
- Programme Committee in Program Committee within the Technical Papers-track
- How does Machine Learning Change Software Development Practices?
- A Large Scale Study of Long-Time Contributor Prediction for GitHub Projects
- Locating Latent Design Information in Developer Discussions: A Study on Pull Requests
International Conference on Program Comprehension
Mining Software Repositories
ICSE 2020-profile
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