Thu 9 Jul 2020 02:10 - 03:00 at Live Demo Room - PD4-Live Demos
Recent research in empirical software engineering is applying techniques from neurocognitive science and breaking new grounds in the ways that researchers can model and analyze the cognitive processes of developers as they interact with software artifacts. However, given the novelty of this line of research, only one tool exists to help researchers represent and analyze this kind of multimodal biometric data. While this tool does help with visualizing temporal eyetracking and physiological data, it does not allow for the mapping of physiological data to source code elements, instead projecting information over images of code. One drawback of this is that researchers are still unable to meaningfully combine and map physiological and eye tracking data to source code artifacts. The use of images also bars the support of long or multiple code files, which prevents researchers from analyzing data from experiments conducted in realistic settings. To address these drawbacks, we propose VITALSE, a tool for the interactive visualization of combined multi-modal biometric data for software engineering tasks. VITALSE provides interactive and customizable temporal heatmaps created with synchronized eyetracking and biometric data. The tool supports analysis on multiple files, user defined annotations for points of interest over source code elements, and high level customizable metric summaries for the provided dataset. VITALSE, a video demonstration, and sample data to demonstrate its capabilities can be found at
Thu 9 JulDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
01:05 - 02:05 | P17-Software DevelopmentJournal First / Technical Papers / Demonstrations at Goguryeo Chair(s): Minghui Zhou Peking University | ||
01:05 8mTalk | Improving the Pull Requests Review Process Using Learning-to-rank AlgorithmsJ1 Journal First Guoliang Zhao Computer Science of Queen's University, Daniel Alencar Da Costa University of Otago, Ying Zou Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario | ||
01:13 8mTalk | Understanding the motivations, challenges and needs of Blockchain software developers: a surveyJ1 Journal First Amiangshu Bosu Wayne State University, Anindya Iqbal Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh, Rifat Shahriyar Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh, Partho Chakraborty Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh | ||
01:21 12mTalk | Gap between Theory and Practice : An Empirical Study of Security Patches in Solidity Technical Papers | ||
01:33 12mTalk | A Tale from the Trenches: Cognitive Biases and Software Development Technical Papers Souti Chattopadhyay Graduate Student, Nicholas Nelson Oregon State University, Audrey Au Oregon State University, Natalia Morales Oregon State University, Christopher Sanchez Oregon State University, Rahul Pandita Phase Change Software, Anita Sarma Oregon State University | ||
01:45 3mTalk | VITALSE: Visualizing Eye Tracking and Biometric DataDemo Demonstrations Devjeet Roy Washington State University, Sarah Fakhoury Washington State University, Venera Arnaoudova Washington State University Pre-print |
02:10 - 03:00 | |||
02:10 50mTalk | VITALSE: Visualizing Eye Tracking and Biometric DataDemo Demonstrations Devjeet Roy Washington State University, Sarah Fakhoury Washington State University, Venera Arnaoudova Washington State University Pre-print |