A Novel Approach to Tracing Safety Requirements and State-Based Design ModelsTechnical
Traceability plays an essential role in assuring that software and systems are safe to use. Automated requirements traceability faces the low precision challenge due to a large number of false positives being returned and mingled with the true links. To overcome this challenge, we present a mutation-driven method built on the novel idea of proactively creating many seemingly correct tracing targets (i.e., mutants of a state machine diagram), and then exploiting model checking within process mining to automatically verify whether the safety requirement’s properties hold in the mutants. A mutant is killed if its model checking fails; otherwise, it is survived. We leverage the underlying killed-survived distinction, and develop a correlation analysis procedure to identify the traceability links. Experimental evaluation results on two automotive systems with 27 safety requirements show considerable precision improvements compared with the state-of-the-art.
Wed 8 JulDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
15:00 - 16:00 | A9-TraceabilityNew Ideas and Emerging Results / Demonstrations / Technical Papers / Software Engineering in Practice at Silla Chair(s): Andrea Zisman The Open University | ||
15:00 12mTalk | A Novel Approach to Tracing Safety Requirements and State-Based Design ModelsTechnical Technical Papers Mounifah Alenazi University of Cincinnati, Nan Niu University of Cincinnati, Juha Savolainen Danfoss | ||
15:12 12mTalk | Establishing Multilevel Test-to-Code Traceability Links Technical Papers Robert White University College London, UK, Jens Krinke University College London, Raymond Tan University College London | ||
15:24 6mTalk | Synthesis of Assurance Cases for Software CertificationNIER New Ideas and Emerging Results Hamid Bagheri University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University, Niloofar Mansoor University of Nebraska - Lincoln Pre-print | ||
15:30 3mTalk | TimeTracer: A Tool for Back in Time Traceability ReplayingDemo Demonstrations Christoph Mayr-Dorn Johannes Kepler University Linz, Michael Vierhauser Johannes Kepler University Linz, Felix Keplinger Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Stefan Bichler Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University, Linz | ||
15:33 12mTalk | Lack of Adoption of Units of Measurement Libraries: Survey and AnecdotesSEIP Software Engineering in Practice Steve McKeever Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden, Omar-Alfred Salah Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden | ||
15:45 12mTalk | Improving the Effectiveness of Traceability Link Recovery using Hierarchical Bayesian NetworksTechnical Technical Papers Kevin Moran William & Mary/George Mason University, David Nader Palacio William & Mary, Carlos Bernal-Cárdenas William and Mary, Denys Poshyvanyk William and Mary, Daniel McCrystal William & Mary, Chris Shenefiel Cisco Systems, Jeff Johnson Cisco Systems Pre-print Media Attached |