Registered user since Wed 3 Jun 2020
Yehia is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the School of Computing and Communications of Lancaster University, UK, where he leads the Distributed Systems group. He co-leads the Data Acquisition & Infrastructure Theme at the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science (CEEDS). He is also a visiting professor at Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Montreal. His work aims to enable distributed applications to traverse infrastructural boundaries. In the context of cloud computing, this entails looking into interoperability and migration challenges, as well as related decision support issues. Yehia is the creator and chair of the international Cross-Cloud workshop series. Beyond the cloud, Yehia works on border-free network architectures in intent-driven systems, systems of systems, and information centric networks. He also works on advocating network-awareness which involves measuring networked systems, evaluating network protocols, and proposing new network management strategies.
International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
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