Registered user since Thu 12 Oct 2017
Name:Shane McIntosh
At McGill University, I lead the Software Repository Excavation and Build Engineering Labs (the Software REBELs). Broadly speaking, my students and I perform empirical studies that mine the historical data that is generated during the development of large-scale software systems. Specifically, my research focuses on release engineering (i.e., the process of assembling, verifying, and delivering releases of software systems from its sources) and software quality (i.e., deriving practical guidelines for developing more reliable software systems).
Affiliation:McGill University
Personal website: http://rebels.ece.mcgill.ca/
Research interests:Software Engineering, Code Review, Defect Prediction, Release Engineering
- Programme Committee in Program Committee within the Technical Papers-track
- Student Mentoring Workshop Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Co-chair in Student Mentoring Workshop Co-chairs within the Student Mentoring Workshop-track
- Programme Committee in Programme Committee within the ICSE 2020 Posters-track
Mining Software Repositories
ICSE 2020-profile
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