Registered user since Mon 10 Jul 2017
Name:Sang Kil Cha
Sang Kil Cha is an assistant professor at KAIST, Korea. His research interests revolve mainly around software security, software engineering, software systems, and program analysis. Please note that his first name—Sang Kil—contains a space!
Country:South Korea
Personal website: https://softsec.kaist.ac.kr/~sangkilc/
Research interests:Software Security
- Ankou: Guiding Grey-box Fuzzing towards Combinatorial Difference
- Student Volunteer Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Student Volunteer Co-Chair in Student Volunteer Chairs within the Student Volunteers-track
- Committee Member in Live! Team Korea within the Virtualization-track
- The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey
ICSE 2020-profile
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