Registered user since Mon 22 Apr 2019
I have been working on software testing, refactoring and analysis research where I experimented how software are developed and tested efficiently. I have completed M.Sc. in Software Engineering, containing the highest marked thesis dissertation on Software Test Case Prioritization under the supervision of Professor Dr. Kazi Muheymin-us-Sakib, IIT University of Dhaka in June 2015. I have proposed a new test case prioritization scheme using information from different phase of Software Development Life Cycle named as Software Requirements, Design Diagrams and Source Code. I was the first research student of IIT DU Optimization Research group, where I was working on software design migration to enhance modularity and manageability. I have successfully completed my B. Sc. in Software Engineering thesis, which was published at IEEE and awarded best student paper award at ICCIT’13. I am a member of IEEE (ID: 94159542) and the Counselor of IEEE Computer Society Dhaka University Student Branch Chapter. I am also a member of ACM SIGSOFT (ID: 0407075)
International Conference on Program Comprehension
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