Registered user since Sat 27 Jun 2020
I received the Master degree in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering from the University of Sannio in 2007. Since 2004 I have been a researcher in the field of software engineering. My main research interests include software maintenance and testing, software reuse, software development, architectural design, and re-engineering, with a particular interest in modularity, component-based software development, and computational intelligence. For these topics, I served and I am serving in the program and organizing committees of conferences (e.g., IJCNN, CompEd, SIGCSE, SAC, ICSM) , and as referee for several journals (e.g., IST, JSS, TOSEM, EMSE, JSEP, IS, IEEEAccess).
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