Registered user since Mon 8 Apr 2019
Marcela Genero is Full Professor at the Department of Technologies and Information Systems at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Ciudad Real, Spain. She received a PhD in computer science from UCLM in 2002. She belongs to the Alarcos Research Group since 1999. Her research interests include empirical software engineering, research methods, software quality, empirical evaluation of modelling approaches and quality in big data. She has (co)authored over 30 papers in JCR journals and over 100 peer-reviewed conference publications. She (co)edited the books titled “Data and Information Quality” (Kluwer, 2001) and “Metrics for Software Conceptual Models” (Imperial College, 2005), “Métodos de Investigación en Ingeniería del Software” (RAMA, 2014), among others. She has organised over 30 conferences, workshops and tutorials and managed over a dozen of research projects/contracts which involved universities and private companies as partners, related to topics within the research areas previously mentioned. She served as General Chair of ACM/IEEE ESEM 2016 and Program Co-Chair of EASE 2012 and CIBSE 2018. She is member of the International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN) since 2004.
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