Addressing the Double Challenge of Learning and Teaching Enterprise Technologies through Peer Teaching
Students face difficulties when transitioning from introductory programming to using more complex enterprise technologies, such as libraries, software frameworks and development kits. Despite much literature being devoted to how to teach introductory programming effectively, less attention is devoted towards managing the transition towards more complex technologies. This work presents the design, experience and evaluation of a module that engages students with a range of enterprise technologies. The module uses peer teaching to transfer the responsibility to students for teaching each other about the technologies. As such, this reduces the need for the teacher to invest time in preparing materials, and it is feasible to cover more technologies depending upon the number of teaching teams. The evaluation, conducted on a cohort of 34 students studying six enterprise technologies over the course of one week, revealed overwhelmingly positive experiences with this approach. For the teacher, effort for preparation and delivery was minimal, and the feedback on the module was highly positive.
Thu 9 JulDisplayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change
07:00 - 08:00 | I14-SEET - Industry Relevant Teaching and OthersSoftware Engineering Education and Training at Goguryeo Chair(s): Letizia Jaccheri Norwegian University of Science and Technology | ||
07:00 12mTalk | Addressing the Double Challenge of Learning and Teaching Enterprise Technologies through Peer TeachingSEET Software Engineering Education and Training Richard Glassey KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Olle Bälter KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Philipp Haller KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Mattias Wiggberg KTH Royal Institute of Technology | ||
07:12 12mTalk | Characterizing the Pedagogical Benefits of Adaptive Feedback for Compilation Errors by Novice ProgrammersSEET Software Engineering Education and Training Umair Z. Ahmed National University of Singapore, Nisheeth Srivastava Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Renuka Sindhgatta Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Amey Karkare IIT Kanpur | ||
07:24 12mTalk | VeriSIM: A Learning Environment for Comprehending Class and Sequence Diagrams using Design TracingSEET Software Engineering Education and Training | ||
07:36 12mTalk | Towards an Open Repository for Teaching Software Modeling applying Active Learning StrategiesSEET Software Engineering Education and Training Williamson Silva UFAM, Bruno Gadelha UFAM, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Tayana Conte Universidade Federal do Amazonas | ||
07:48 12mTalk | What prevents Finnish women from applying to software engineering roles? A preliminary analysis of survey dataSEET Software Engineering Education and Training Annika Wolff LUT University, Antti Knutas LUT University, Paula Savolainen Turku University of Applied Sciences Pre-print |